
  • Frozen Cornish hen
  • 1 cup of chicken stock
  • Italian seasoning
  • Garlic salt
  • Olive oil


  1. Add the chicken stock to the pot.
  2. Place the trivet into the pot and set the frozen Cornish hen on top of it.
  3. Brush or drizzle oil oil onto the Cornish hen. This will help the seasoning stick.
  4. Sprinkle or rub the Italian seasoning and garlic salt until it makes a layer on top of the Cornish hen. See image below.
  5. Set the Instant Pot timer to 25 minutes on high.
  6. When the timer goes off let the Instant Pot do a natural release for 10 minutes before releasing the valve and opening the lid.
  7. Pre-heat oven to 450 degrees.
  8. Remove the Cornish hen to a pan and place the pan in your oven for 7-10 minutes ( or until the skin browns to your desired result ).


This should cook a fall apart Cornish hen.